
Tuesday Confessions

martes, noviembre 30, 2010

Chocolate - this is one of my favorite things to eat. I used to eat it in all of its forms, even if the doctor recommends me not to eat it.
Taken from Google images.
Excuse me, but after seeing these pictures... I am going to get some delicious chocolate bomboms.

¿Do you want some?

I Want This Week Be Pink

lunes, noviembre 29, 2010

According to psychology, this color is connected with feelings of love, warmth, calm, and protection. The world needs a lot of pink color this week. Don't you think?
Watercolor by Carol Bouville
Girly and lovely
Wish all of you have a nice Pink Week.

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving Day

jueves, noviembre 25, 2010

The reason is simple, this day is not part of our history. In Latinamerica we did not have pilgrims in the Mayflower, Wampanoag Indians and even in some countries like mine, autum season. But I like the way it is celebrated: family reunion, banquet with turkey and cranberry sauce, and specially a prayer to give thanks for all the good things that have received during the year.

This celebration makes me think in one color - Orange. Here are some awesome images I have found. Enjoy!

Celebrities in Orange
Colour Pop
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

If You Have the Flu

sábado, noviembre 20, 2010

Yes! I got this common disease this weekend. As the only cure is rest in bed, you get bored soon.

Then, I found some things to do if you have the flu that help to overcome boredom:

* Look at some fashion magazines
* Drink a lot of dehydrated sugar cane juice, named in my country "Agua de Panela", folk medicine that helps with flu symptoms.
Agua de Panela
* Get out that book never opened to read it.
* Watch you favorite movie
  * Pamper yourself a lot and you will be better soon.
Well! After this activities.... I think I am feeling better now.
See you soon.

Rainy Day

martes, noviembre 16, 2010

Of course, "Singing in the Rain" is a beautiful movie, but I am not going to write about movies today. Is just that it has been raining day and night, something that makes me feel a little nostalgic. Seeing this picture really cheers me up.

This picture also reminds me, that I am needing "urgent" a very good trench coat that keeps me warm and make me look nice under the rain.

What do you think, classic or elegant?
Via 1 , 2 

 ...maybe Pink?
 ...or just pure stylish?
Now.......what is your favorite?

Cartagena - History and Beauty

lunes, noviembre 15, 2010

 It was November 11, 1811 when the city of Cartagena declared independence from the Spanish Crown, it explaining the reason for today's holiday, so we were  celebrating.
This city is in the Caribbean region and it is named "Heroic City". It  was designated by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, for its colonial walled city and fortress. During this commemoration you can find a lot of parades with Caribbean rhythms, parties and amazing nightlife.
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During this time Cartagena also celebrates the National Beauty Contest. The most beautiful woman in Colombia is chosen and she is going to be our contestant in the Miss Universe Pageant. This event has a social objective and the benefits from parades are going to help people in need.
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Have you ever been or dreamed of being a beauty queen?
This nice picture remember me when I was a child (a long, long time ago), at school, walking on the platform.... dreaming of being the beauty queen of my course.

Hope you have a great week!

Friday's Blogmania

viernes, noviembre 12, 2010

I still have a lot of enthusiasm in my project blog, so just imagine my Fridays's plan: looking through almost all internet searching information that can help me to improve my page. I think I've read many articles from hundreds of blog sites, some are very interesting stuff, but the truth is that after read hundred of them I am even more confused. It just means that my dreaming blog will take a few days more to be ready.

Must to say that after going from blog to blog, my favorite is still "Brown Eyed Belle". I think you should visit this inspirational blog. It really saved my Friday night.

Hope you have a happy and relaxing weekend!


jueves, noviembre 11, 2010
Today I decided to start up my own blog inspired by beautiful and fun pages. I have been reading many interesting pages since the first day when by chance I found the blogger world.

I will see how this goes because I am not an expert but I will be happy if I can give back to other people at least a dash of beauty and smiles almost every day.

I want to create the content that inspire and help out others.

Hope you enjoy my blog.
