
I Want this Week Be White

lunes, diciembre 06, 2010

I was watching some of my favorite blogs and I noticed that in almost all the north countries the snow is begining to fall. In my country we do not have snow, so I decided that this week will be white because it represents the beginning of Christmas.
White color represents too: calm, purity, innocence, simplicity and perfection.



Hope you have a peaceful White Week!

1 comentario:

  1. Here in Northern Germany unusualy snow begun falling mid of November and until now the white beauty is covering the whole nature. In combination with blue sky and sunshine it invites to take a walk. Mostly dark clouds with snow falling out of them, strong wind and high humidity makes it uncomfortable, high rates of accidents and a few old cars (like mine) that don't want to start let the people dream of sunshine, the beach, palmtrees, ...
    I accept it as it is and just take the best outof it. Just warm clothes I like to take a walk even it's snowing.
    Warmheartet greetings from Germany, Jurgis
